Saturday 31 January 2015

The Kite Runner - Assef


  • The first thing we find out about Assef is that he comes from a wealthy family, and that his mother is German (page 33, Chapter 5)
  • There are frequent Nazi references, and the Aryan race - "blonde, blue-eyed", "Hitler. Now, there was a leader", leading to the belief that Assef has Nationalistic views and ideas, "we are the true Afghans, the pure Afghans [...] they dirty our blood". This contrasts to Baba's ideas and beliefs as he says "Hitler was crazy".
  • This all gives us an impression of hum being a "sociopath", where, in fact, he's not just a bully, but has a more dangerous side to his character.
  • His "well-earned reputation for savagery" is the first mention of his true cruelty. This reference of being a 'savage' is again mentioned, with his "savage sort of grin". This reference has connotations to being animalistic and ruthless.
  • His "obeying friends" give a sense that his friends aren't actually his friends, and are scared of him, with connotations of pets and dogs, obeying their master.

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